Next OpenCoffee this Friday in the Rubicon
Publish date: Nov 7, 2007
Thanks to all who turned up for the impromptu OpenCoffee on Monday and my apologies for my absence, we had an urgent site problem.
The next meet-up is the regular bi-weekly one in the Rubicon at 10am this Friday. Please email me at corkopencoffee AT gmail DOT com if you wish to sponsor and provide some scones/biscuits for this session.
A few quick notes:
1. Big congratulations to Cubic Telecom and Pat Phelan for the it@cork win
2. There are two BES/SCS info sessions happening on Nov 12th. I'll post further details later today.
3. There have been several requests to have a few sessions in different venues. This would have the advantage of attracting more people overall to attend OCC wherever it is on. The main suggestion seems to be the NSC so please let me know your opinion on Friday or here in the comments about having the odd session there.