We never got past the introductions!
This is my second time to write this post as the first one got deleted accidentally. We had a particularly good OCC meet-up last Friday in the Rubicon with four new faces. The round table introductions caused so many spin-off conversations that we ended up not doing anything else!
A welcome then to:
* Bob Gee of [Connect Promotions](http://www.connectpro.ie/) who seemed delighted by the response of us all to his business (promotional items or schwag as we geeks call it). Bob also had many thoughts to offer on the conversations around advertising and marketing.
* Paul Harrington who is setting up a webapps business and is looking to build his professional network in Cork. Paul has long experience in both web technologies and the mobile industry
* Jason Coghlan from [Cubit Software](http://www.cubit.ie/) who specialises in EPOS systems and retail management software
* John Mallon from [Argent Productions](http://www.argentfilm.com/) who is heavily involved in professional-level video production for narrowcasting and digital brochures.
We spent quite a bit of time talking about bluetooth marketing, outdoor advertising and mobile information push with Diarmuid Wrenne. I was delighted then to hear that Lukulu has been short-listed for the Eircom Innovation Fund. Well done Diarmuid, we can’t wait to see what you build and launch with them.
The Eircom fund is the first real attempt to do something here like Y Combinator in the US or SeedCamp in the UK. The recent success of the Collison brothers proves just how powerful that model is.
There appears to be widespread use of VOIP technologies by OpenCoffee attendees. I was genuinely surprised how many people are using it. A technology whose time has come?
The next OCC is in Luigi Malone’s in Cork City on April 11th.