First set of dates for Cork OCC in 2009
Publish date: Jan 5, 2009
Our first OpenCoffee is Friday 9th in the Rubicon Centre in CIT, this gives us the following dates for the next few months. I’ll put these on too so you can add them to your calendar and auto-monitor for changes.
If you’d like to host any of the TBD locations or even replace any Luigi one, just let us know on corkopencoffee AT gmail DOT com
* 09/01: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Ciara Crossan
* 23/01: Location = Luigi Malone's. Organiser = Conor O'Neill
* 06/02: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Gordon Murray
* 20/02: Location = TBD. Organiser = Ciara Crossan
* 06/03: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Conor O'Neill
* 20/03:Location = Luigi Malone's. Organiser = Gordon Murray
* 03/04: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Ciara Crossan
* 17/04: Location = TBD. Organiser = Conor O'Neill
* 01/05: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Gordon Murray
* 15/05: Location = Luigi Malone's. Organiser = Ciara Crossan
* 29/05: Location = Rubicon. Organiser = Conor O'Neill