'Discovery Zone' for new business ideas
This is an excellent opportunity for brand new business ideas. A new programme called ‘Discovery Zone’ has been set up in the Rubicon Centre, the host of many Cork Open Coffees.
If you are among the many that aspire to starting your own business but don’t know where to start, then the Discovery Zone could be just the launching pad you need. The programme has been specifically developed to assist experienced professionals, who for a variety of reasons find themselves at a crossroads in their career.
You may be a middle to senior manager who has a wealth of experience running a business for someone else, but would now like the chance to run your own business! You may not possess a business idea, but have the experience and motivation to successfully establish and run a new business, with some training and guidance. The programme will encourage new idea generation and will also explore commercial opportunities, through partnership with other entrepreneurs or academic institutions.
Run as a full-time twelve week programme in the Rubicon Centre, located on campus within CIT, the Discovery Zone will harness the ability of participants as they immerse themselves in the programme. A number of key topics will be discussed, including idea generation, viability testing and the various routes to commercialisation. Practical guidance will be on hand from individuals on how they successfully changed from manager to entrepreneur.
Not only will they examine in depth the potential of their own idea, but upon completion, participants will also acquire an understanding of what will be required should they wish to convert their idea into a viable business. Alternatively, if their preference is partnership, they will be equipped with the knowledge of how to develop successful partnership arrangements.
The Programme will commence in March 2010 and places will be offered to 10 suitable participants, selection by means of an interview. The participants will be based in the Rubicon Centre, for the duration of the programme. Each participant will be expected to attend the Centre 5 days per week where they will receive guidance both individually and in groups to assist in the progression of their ideas.
A dedicated Programme Manager will act as a resource for the participants. Additionally they will have access to the expertise of Rubicon staff, CIT Researchers and the CIT Technology Transfer Office. As the Discovery Zone is part funded by Enterprise Ireland, each project will be allocated the services of an Enterprise Ireland Mentor who will provide specific guidance to all projects.
To apply for a place on the programme, please log onto the Rubicon Centre website. Closing date for receipt of application is** 5pm on Friday 19th March 2010**.
Further details on the Programme can be obtained by contacting Paul Healy, Rubicon Centre Manager - 021 4928901 or email paul.healy@cit.ie.