Innovation, inspiration & ideation workshops with Cork Open Coffee
“Your Country, Your Call” is pleased to announce a series of innovation, inspiration & ideation workshops designed to inspire creative thinking and help people bring their ideas to life.
The workshops, which are open to the public are free of charge and one will take place in Cork as follows:
**Cork: 9th April 11.00 am, National Software Centre Campus, Mahon. **
The workshop will last for about two hours and promises to be a lot of fun as well as being informative and helpful.
If you would like to attend, please leave a comment below this post so we can get an idea of numbers of people to seat and give tea and coffee to!
The workshops are being run in conjunction with Jump!, Cork Open Coffee and The Irish Times.
Who should attend?
* People interested in innovation or ideation
* People considering entering an idea into Your Country, Your Call
* Business owners
* People thinking of starting a business
An event is also taking place in Dublin, if that suits you better: ** Dublin: 15th April, 6.00pm, Irish Times Headquarters, Tara Street, Dublin 2.**
A huge Thank you to the National Software centre (directions) who will be hosting the talk on the 9th, see you all there. It promises to be a great event with plenty of people and fun too!** **